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Monday, November 10

Salutations civil service

I started today in the civil service.

I am an Executive Assistant to a Senior Director. I'll be commissioning work on his behalf and briefing him on it. I'll also be supporting him when he goes abroad on business. Other projects will include promoting his department internally and improving the system of administrative support for him and his managers.


Thursday, November 6

Farewell financial advice

Today was my last day as a financial adviser. I'm leaving for financial reasons. I was not making enough for me or the company. With the approaching downturn, I could see my prospects could only get worse.

My employer was also cutting commission and re-organising territories which would mean I would have to travel further and spend more time travelling to see customers.

After the territory reorganisation, I still hadn't received details of customers in my new territory. That's another sign that it was time to go.

I will be looking forward to not having to make appointments by phone, arriving at empty houses and being told that the customer does not want to improve the financial situation as well as getting my evenings back.
