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Sunday, August 14

Steamboy boils

I went to see Steamboy today which I enjoyed. It's a Jap-anime set in 19th century Britain with the central character being a teenage boy who is given a revolutionary power source.

I particularly liked the Victorian backgrounds of London, Northern factories & cottages. The mix of drawn cells and CGI. I was fortunate to see the uncut 123 minute version although I felt it to be a little long.

The scenes of "steam-punk" machinery were a joy.

One aspect I did not like was the extended moralising on the uses of science, including for warfare and the evils of captialism in its exploitation of science.

Apparently, Patrick Stewart and Alfred Molina are the star voice actors in the dubbed & cut US version.

Thursday, August 11

5 weeks after 7/7

It seems the authorities are either not fearing another bombing attempt or have run out of money as the police guard at the metro station has been reduced to 2 today.

Thursday, August 4

4 weeks after 7/7

With fears of a repeat bombing attempt, I noticed 4 police on guard at a metro station today.