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Saturday, April 28

Compulsory Change

After months of avoiding any change to my blog, Blogger have finally forced me to change to New Blogger.

So, if there are any problems with the blog or if you can't post comments, blame Google.

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Wednesday, April 25

The Apprentice: Wood's Woe

In week 5 of The Apprentice, last week's liar, Nathalie Wood, came a cropper and got her just deserts. This week's task was to pick and sell as many photographs from 2 photographers.

Justice was done and she also deserved to be fired for being a weak project manager and a week defender in the boardroom. She chose to keep her new best friend, Katie Hopkins, out of harm's way and was forced instead, to bring in Lohit Kalburgi with the weak excuse that he had produced some labels that their photographer did not like. This is somewhat ironic as she was criticised for her wrong labels last week.

Justice was finally done, albeit a week late.

Also this week, alleged "energy sapper", Adam Hosker, got the most valuable sale and was on the phone to bringing in art fans to the team's private viewing. Although he can be negative in an un-constructive way, i think he is right more often than he is wrong and I feel empathy to his way of thinking.

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Wednesday, April 18

The Apprentice: Physicist Panned

In week 4 of The Apprentice, Sophie Kain, the physicist was fired. She admitted she wasn't keen on selling sugary sweets for a few pounds when they only cost a few pence to make. Alan Sugar implied that this was par for the course in business. I wonder if he was referring to his products. Yet when Gerald Ratner claimed his company's products were "crap", he lost £500M as well as his job, fortune & company.

I thought her dismissal was an unfair decision as Nathalie Wood had messed up the labels, claiming the sweets were "Organic Orange", when they had a bucketful of E-numbers in them. This blatant mis-representation would have deceived the public and held up the sales of the team.

Then, Nathalie lied about what went on but Alan Sugar smelt her porkie pie in the boardroom. Yet, surprisingly, for screwing up & then lying about it, he didn't immediately dispense with her services. Justice remains to be done.

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Thursday, April 5

Cooper Canned

After a new manager moves in, my favourite newspaper columnist, Cooper Brown, is sacked from his film job for his Independent columns. The manager claims:

"(they are) totally inappropriate. I actually find it hard to believe that a serious newspaper would find it fit to print."

I find them appropriate as they are a straight-talking & funny interlude in my day.

I hope to see him in print again soon but you can keep up with Cooper's exploits on his MySpace page.

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