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Saturday, August 25

Disturbing Debt & What should be taught in Every School

Brian Kim lists the Top 5 Things that should be taught in every school. I agree, particularly with his No. 1: Personal Finance. The level of financial educational in schools is woefully pitiful and I believe that the lack of understanding about finances including debt and interest has lead to the UK having more personal debt than GDP: £1.35 trillion versus £1.33 trillion. It could

It is estimated that 2.5 million adults were "very concerned" about their ability to keep on top of their debts.

Credit Action has more shocking debt statistics such as 2.1 people are permanently overdrawn and 7.4m household bill payments have been missed or paid late in the last 6 months.

Brian Kim does go on about weightlifting and he obviously thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread.

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Monday, August 20

Ninjas nutmegged or the idiot's guide to the sub-prime mortgage story

Robert Preston has the best explanation of what's going on and how the world got into this pickle.

Sub-prime borrowers are, ironically, the NINJAs of the story - No Income, No Job or Assets.

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Wednesday, August 15

Wrist Pain: The drugs don't work any more

After 2 weeks of antibiotics, most of the pain in my wrist is still there. I can now move my wrist and fingers a bit. I didn't believe the microscopic bite story.

I went to my doctor and he see he could refer me to a rheumatologist or I could pay to see one: he obviously thinks it will be a long wait under the public service.

I said I would wait to hear how long I would have to wait for the public service to give me a referral.

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Tuesday, August 7

Four whores

Film Four have decided to reclaim Channel 5's discarded crown of thorns by decreeing that tomorrow night (8 August) is Prostitute Night, with an Anglo-American double-bill. The UK's Personal Services at 2325 is followed by the US's Call Me: the Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss at 0130.

It's a unique opportunity to compare and contrast attitudes on both sides of the pond to the oldest profession and the brothel madams running the shows to carry out a review of cultural, media and sociological attitudes.

Not to gawp at a bevy of beauties doing dirty deeds.

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Wednesday, August 1

Wrist Pain: Off work

I'm off work today as I've had a pain in my wrist for the last week. My fingers seem partially locked and contracted and I can barely move my fingers or wrist.

I went to the doctor and he thought I might have been bitten by an insect which left a microscopic bite: i.e. too small too see. So I'm on antibiotics now.

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