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Wednesday, June 7

Switched off

I received a job offer from an electricity company. They offered me a salary of "at least X". I phoned up to find out what they would offer me. The HRer said she would ring me back. She didn't. I assumed they would pay me only X.

I rejected the offer. It isn't easy to reject a job offer but taking the wrong job works out badly in the end. I'm pinning my hopes on the financial planner role.

Monday, June 5

Slow Financial Interview

Despite being told I would receive a second interview for the financial planner job in early June, I hadn't anything.

So, after much emailing & voicemailing (well, one each), I get an email which states the interview will now be at the end of June, that's right, 30 June, without so much as a by your leave, apology or explanation.