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Friday, September 28

Wrist Pain: MRI & Blood Test results

I went to see the rheumatologist again today to discuss my MRI scan and blood test results.

The blood tests were fine.

He said there is lots of inflammation and fluid in the wrist. Well, I could have worked that out without an MRI scan.

Here are a couple of views of my wrist taken by the MRI. The scan took lots of slices at different depths of the wrist and from different angles, eg top, side.

[view from top]

[view from side]

Unfortunately, some of the little bones in my hand have been "disrupted", which means that the ligaments which are supposed to be holding them in place are all over the shop and the bones are out of position.

Possible causes are TB (Tuberculosis) or arthritis. Apparently the BCG injection I had in school doesn't protect against getting TB in a joint and there's a lot of it about.

He suggested having an arthroscopy and a biopsy. That means he thinks I should go to a hand surgeon to cut open my wrist and poke around to see what's wrong which apparently the MRI can't show. Then, on the way out, he'll cut off a bit of my wrist for analysis.

I can just imagine the CSI CGI - whirring circular saw cuts through flesh like butter, blood spurts out, we fly with a camera plunging into the wrist and zoom into the bones and ligaments. The camera is rapidly withdrawn to be replaced by a shiny sharp scalpel that, with a flick of the wrist, cuts a chunk of flesh which is grabbed.

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