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Wednesday, September 19

Wrist pain: MRI scan

I went for my MRI scan today.

I got to the medical centre 20 minutes early - what a surprise. Sod's law was duly invoked and I was told the MRI scanner had broken down today. That's what I get for going for the cheap scanner. Actually it was going to cost me £250 rather than £200 - prices never drop, do they?

I was told it was now working but there was a backlog. I was asked if I could wait 30 minutes. I agreed but had to wait 45 minutes, instead.

There was a choice of music. I chose No.1 : Mozart.

I had to lie face down. My lungs were crushed and despite wearing a T-shirt, I felt like I was in a sauna. I was wheeled into the centre of the machine. There was the regular beat of the cooling pumps, accompanied by the staccato of machine gun fire, drilling machines and giants pounding the scanner. With my discomfort, I was warned I moved about too much. So, one set of images had to be deleted but another set was good enough.

I chatted with the technician and found out that the machine was old at 2.5 years. They get totally knackered by 5 years. He reckoned that private hospitals run their scanners into the ground and the NHS gets new ones. No wonder the waiting list is so long - they spend their money on new machines but not on people to operate them.

I did get to see the images - complete with white areas showing inflammation & fluid build up.

Now, I just need my blood test results.

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