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Wednesday, January 2

Face Frozen 3: Hell's Bell

I phoned up to see a doctor in the morning but they were booked up.

I phoned up in the afternoon and finally got an appointment. It was at 15:40 but I had to wait till 16:15.

The doctor was very young - late 20s or early 30s and she was quick to diagnose. She printed out a sheet of information of the Net and read it out to me. Sir Lancelot wouldn't be doing that.

The doctor said I had Bell's Palsy. This is an inflammation of the nerves to the face. It wasn't a stroke or Lyme's disease. So, there's a good chance it will clear up but it could take several weeks to several months.

She was slower to prescribe. Steroids improve the chance of recovery but she didn't know how much I should take so she rang several doctors to find out. Is that a sign of poor training, lack of experience or conscientiousness? I don't know but it's the first time a doctor has ever done that in front of me. In the past, they've usually left the room.

I'm to take 30 mg of prednisolone but they come in minute 5mg capsules so I need to carefully count out 6 of them without dropping them. Finding them would be difficult as I can't close my right eye and it's getting very teary. So, I have to go for the Snake Plissken look and wear an eye-patch.

Unfortunately, the one I have seems to be for mini-Me and barely covers my eyeball, let along the whole eye.

I thought that wearing that I won't be able to drive because of the lack of stereoscopic vision to judge distance but the doctor said one-eyed people can drive. That explains the tail-gaters behind me, I think.

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