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Saturday, July 2

Bore of the Worlds


What a waste of space from S & C. The former can create better instead of ripping off others & himself and the latter can act better.

War of the Worlds didn't know if it wanted to be a human issues film, a blockbuster or a book with voices and moving pictures. It failed on all 3 counts.

I didn't believe in C as a father, even though he was to be portrayed as an abysmal one.

The film was a road-trip which metamorphosed into a haunted house flick.

The alien tripods looked liked they had gone on vacation from being the Matrix's gardeners. The horror in the cellar had taken a dry-land holiday from the Abyss and the aliens on a field trip were ET's dark side family.

The action sequences were not engaging and unrealistic:

How does C manage to drive down a motorway with broken down cars? Why does he conveniently find some grenades? What possesses his fellow prisoners to try and save him when they didn't bother with the last person who became an alien snack? How does his son survive?

Alas, the ending is faithful to the book but S could have actually been unfaithful to it to give it a true Hollywood climax, which would have been a lot more interesting.

S, I defended you when you made AI and C, I admired the risk you took in making Jerry Magure but you have both gone too far now. Do you really need the money? I'm glad you're getting a percentage of the "profits".


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