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Monday, May 23

Kingdoms of Bones

I went to the Paleontological Museum and came across a door with a sign on it. Being illeterate I wondered in and sat down.

There was a lecture about ecology and I spent the next 1.5 hours ignoring the lecturer but did read the screen. I learnt about the aims of paleontology, diversity, niches, taxonomy and fossil records.

After 1.5 hours, my patience was flagging and I made no execuses and left.

For lunch, I had a classic 4-sausage dish in a guidebook-recommended restaurant which I enjoyed greatly. I was joined but a deaf and virtually dumb coupled who signed throughout the meal. I wonder if there is an international sign language....

In the afternoon, I wondered over to a cinema showing orignal versions and saw Kingdom of Heaven. Ridley Scott confirmed his reputation as a director of blockbusters, even though the Balian character was unrealistic, i.e. how does a humble blacksmith come to have superb swordsmanship, great leadership, and knowledge of anti-siege techniques.

However, the acting was good and the action was moving and I thought the anti-war message was unusual for a Hollywood blockbuster, as was the low-key ending.

In the evening, I went to the basement Ratskeller museum, by the Old Town Hall to be serenaded by a musician playing Austrian music on a keyboard.


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