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Saturday, December 6

Egypt Exploration.

I am off to Egypt today. To save on the hassle of organising transport as the sights are spread around, I'm booked on a package tour that will be full of Aussies & Kiwis.

I booked a flight with Egypt Air Lines because it went direct, didn't have too early or late departures or arrivals and was cheaper. And it showed. They had a 777 but with a terrible configuration. There were small flip down TVs and they showed Mamma Mia. Not so bad but it was a Japanese dub with Arabic subs. Fortunately or unfortunately, the songs were left in the original English.

The food was just as bad. I had the choice of squid or beef and chose the latter. The rice was hard and black. It stuck to the train. The beef had dried out and was tasteless. However, the tahini was chilled but tasty.

When I asked for a beer, I was shot a dirty look - they obviously don't carry booze on account of the fact that most Egyptians don't drink.

However, I was impressed with their business class marketing. It's known as Horus class. Nice to be treated as a god rather than a mortal.



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