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Friday, April 1

Brit lets Japanese writer, Mishima, suicide

The Sunday Times reports that a journalist,Henry Scott Stokes, who was allegedly Yukio Mishima's closest friend, knew about and did nothing when he became aware of the writer's plan to commit seppuku after he was involved in a failed coup in 1970.

Apparently, Hollywood is interested in the filming the story and Mark Devlin has written the script for 'The Mishima Incident' and "The script is also being considered by agents for Jude Law, whom Devlin sees as the ideal actor to play the lead role of an Englishman plunged into the hedonism and cruelty of Tokyo in the 1960s". Oh dear, sounds terrible with both Hollywood & Law in the mix. Although I admire JL, I don't think he would do it justice. I see Michael Caine as a better choice or a younger Edward Fox.

I saw Mishima's kabuki, Iwashiuri Koi no Hikiami (The Princess and the Sardine Seller AKA Sardine-seller Draws the Net of Love), whilst in Japan last month. I enjoyed it greatly - it had moments of rib-tickling comedy.